Welcome to IPC – Centrifugal Pumps Website
IPC OH1-OH2 type pumps are horizontal single stage, radially split, hoverung, with top-end / top-top execution, in foot-mounted or centerline-supported configuration.
Pumps are manufactured according to API 610/ISO 13709 specs, and feature an ISO 21049/API 682 compliant seal chamber and are fully customizable to meet customer performances and service requests.
Each pump is duly engineered following advanced design criteria based on computer simulations and analysis, while manufacturing is executed following state of the art methods and using latest production technologies.
Pumps are designed to withstand the high pressure and temperatures required by API 610 design criteria and are provided with all-metal flexible element, spacer-type coupling.
API Applications
• Process hydrocarbons, Petroleum refining,
production and distribution
• Petrochemical and chemical processing
• Gas industry services
• Boiler circulation Water/Condensate extraction
• Foul water
• Biofuels
• Solar
• High-temperature applications
• General industrial
General Purpose Applications
• Municipal water
• Domestic water
• Irrigation
• High efficiency hydraulic design developed with CFD techniques
• Advanced structural analysis (FEM)
• Hydraulic-structural integrated design process

A critical function of any pump manufacturer is the performance testing of their product to ensure that it meets design specification.
IPC Pump Test Bench is designed to provide performance and NPSHr tests. The heart of the IPC Test Bench is its custom designed IPC Automated Pump Test Software that allows all system parameters to be monitored and
controlled from a central control station.
The automated software provides precise system control to achieve and maintain specific operating conditions so that data from precision electronic
sensors can be collected and recorded for use in verifying pump performance.