The GVPC valve is a control valve capable of covering extensive fields of applications.
The particolar body shape gives low load losses, high recovery factors and high rangeability. The trim is made up of a contoured plug with linear and equiexponential caracteristics, or ON-OFF and seat. The plug is made from bars or forged and is connected to the drive stem by thread and pin. The plug guide is performer by a bush inserted in the bonnet.
The seat is obtained normally from forged tubeand it is threaded to the body. Besides the seat is welded to the body by seal soldering for rating 900÷2500. The UPC valve can be equipe with bellows for dangerous fluids and with soft seat to comply the leakage requirements of ANSI B16.104, class VI. The recovery factor value is 0.82.
The rangeability is 30÷1.